Nestlé has once again been recognized as one of the most engaged companies in the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
Announced at United Nation Headquarters in New York at the start of the UN General Assembly week, Nestlé was reconfirmed as a Global Compact LEAD company.
Nestlé has demonstrated its commitment to the UN Global Compact by sharing best practices and providing leadership in activities that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Each year, Nestlé reports on its progress towards the UN Global Compact ten principles.
“The key to long-term success for our company is to create value for our shareholders and society. We call this Creating Shared Value, which fully reflects the aims and goals of the UN Global Compact. We are proud to be a LEAD company,” said Christian Frutiger, Global Head of Public Affairs, Nestlé.
Nestlé joined the UN Global Compact in 2001. It is proud to be part of a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders that are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Nestlé’s priorities are in those areas where business interests most closely match those of society.
These include nutrition, with a special focus on children; developing thriving and resilient rural communities; and stewarding natural resources for the future, above all water.