Trading at traffic intersections and tollbooths in Ghana has become a regular activity but the police charged to enforce the country’s laws look on while business flourishes at these illegal spaces.
The penalty imposed on an offender who is prosecuted for doing unlawful business at these places includes fines and imprisonment terms.
Sofoline GPRTU Chairman, Mr. Boamah revealed: “You have no right to sell at tollbooths and traffic light spots. The laws are against it, the police is aware and action will be taken.”
Factually, L.I. 2180 Section 117 of the Road Traffic Regulations, 2012 stipulates clearly that the following are all infractions against the law:
Trading on the road side,
(a) On or along the road side
(b) On a pedestrian walkway
(c) Within thirty metres of a railway crossing
(d) Under road traffic sign
(d) Within….intersection or alongside the road including Tollbooth and the driver
By Ahmed Kamal