Since 1990, Databank has been on a mission to help Ghanaians achieve financial independence. The way we have delivered on that mission has evolved over the years, but our commitment has never wavered.
It is with excitement, therefore, that we wish to announce that Databank has marked its 30th year in business.
Today, on a global scale that we never thought possible, we all find ourselves dealing with the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is forcing us to re-examine many of the things we took for granted, such as being able to leave your house, visit a friend, attend a wedding or funeral. People from all walks of life have had their lives altered in many unimaginable ways and businesses all over the world have been heavily impacted by this crisis, to the extent that some are now hanging on by a thread.
So, with this backdrop, we choose to simply say THANK YOU! Thank you to our founders for their vision three decades ago. Thank you to our Board Members who have diligently guided our decisions over the years. Thank you to our business partners, whose services we have relied on to serve our clients. Thank you to our staff (past and present) who have faithfully served the organization. And most of all, thank you to our clients. You have been a major part of our journey and have contributed to where we are today. For that we are grateful.
No one knows how the next few weeks will unfold, let alone the next few years. What I can assure you, however, is that our commitment to you will never change. Not in the next year, 10 years or 30 years.
This too shall pass and Databank will be with you through it all, making sure that we continue to grow your money in a sustainable way and ensuring that when you need your money, it is there for you. We look forward to better days and to fulfilling this mission of financial independence, one client at a time.
As we mark this milestone, we would also like to remind you that Databank offers you a variety of digitals channels that you can use to transact with us from anywhere – whether you prefer MoMo, Visa, Mastercard, and mobile apps, among others.
So please stay safe, sanitize, invest wisely and continue to invest with Databank.